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Old 15-05-2005, 08:20 AM   #32
Turbo Falcon Fiend
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Far West NSW
Posts: 3,203

I dont think 215 k is too many k's.
I would just be driving the car, load testing, looking at the oil, listening for any weird noises, maybe compression testing the engine, cimb around underneath for ten minutes and look for fluid leaks and other problems (might get you price lower)
The reality is that low KM cars can have problems too, some high K cars are really well sorted, and just keep going.
in 99.9% of cases a car is not an investment, it is a huge liability. The lower the purchase price, the less the car can devalue.
AU parts are cheap and will be cheap for many years to come.
I would find the cheapest cars and pick the one that is the best for the money.
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