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Old 20-10-2008, 11:51 AM   #41
Starter Motor
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 3

Originally Posted by TITO
Has anybody experienced there auto going ''clunk'' just before you come to a full stop [while under brakes] Car has just had its 3000k service and this was its second visit for this problem but the service dept is trying to palm me off by saying other cars have had this problem going into first gear. What is even more anoying they think you would believe there crap its really puts me off buying an XR6.Anyway its booked in again this wednesday and I said it will be going back every week untill its sorted out.

To Tito: Yes I have the same problem I have a o6 lx focus and have been to Ford and they said everything is fine.I understand what you mean it is like your fighting with the car to slow down then you get this clunk. We are now going to a different Ford dealer next week to see what they say. Also I have like a grinding noise which sounds like it is coming from the steering wheel they have sprayed some sort of lubricant around my steering column, ( which was sprayed all over my interior) but that hasn't solved the problem , So hopefully next week will give us hope!.Please let me know if you find out anything.
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