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Old 24-06-2009, 04:07 PM   #57
coupe 72
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: adelaide
Posts: 791

No government will build atrack in S.A. because there are not enough voters that have political influence that are interested in drag racing. Mike Rann doesnt understand or doesnt care that there is a multi million dollar industry in S.A. that supports all kinds of motor sport, drag racing was a large part of that industry.But what Rann doesnt seem to see is the ecconomic benefit that drag racing brings to other parts of the country like Ipswich and Sydney. He seems to think that "Drag Racers" are a bunch of brainless hoons in street cars tearing up city streets and killing each other in illegal street racing wrecks.When in actual fact alot of "Drag Racers" are very respectable business owners or responsible people that sink millions into their favorite pastime.I spent over 4 years negotiating with Mitsubishi trting to come to a leasing agreement to use the tailem bend test track and then with the currong distric council to return championship drag racing to S.A. only to be promised one thing and then get kicked in the nuts every time. Since the track has now gone out to public tender the camels back has finally broken and the cows milk has turned sour and i think its time this little black duck found anew passion. The only light i can see at the end of the tunnel is the reopening of A.I.R. and Tony Thornton (ANDRA ceo) and Bob Jane kiss and make up. I cant believe i just said that, i feel ill. Bob Jane would do well to get back with ANDRA with their new T.V. deal with one hd. Even though i dont think todays modern top fuellers could stop safely at A.I.R. but that a whole other issue. Sorry guys, ive been ranting but im bitter and twisted now.
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