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Old 10-04-2010, 10:41 AM   #25
'69 XW
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Originally Posted by xagsjoe
Taking out the rubbers is a good move too for sure. The big question is how much do you want to do to get the best out of it you can?

Remove front swaybar, Caltraks (or similar), 90/10s, 6cyl front springs, fit a stiff rear bar yada yada yada the list can grow but every little bit helps. Im no expert and have spoken to some smart racers while building my car to get some advice from blokes that run real quick and that basic list is universal to all of them.

This was how my old girl sounded. Still miss her.

Keep the improvements coming.
Awesome video man! You just can't beat the clevo sound...and you were playing with it...
Your comments re: how far to go with mods has always been in my mind because at the end if the day the XW is a street car and I won't make changes that will compromise it's safety, practicality or comfort on the street. What I've always had in mind is getting the best true street trim ET possible. So the big ticket items such as auto, carb, rear suspension rubbers will be done first. Once I'm happy with the performance for street trim I'll make some
more drastic changes and trailer it out. Like drop the tailpipes, carb spacer, different bonnet with scoop, race rubber, no engine fan, etc
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