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Old 05-05-2010, 01:42 PM   #12
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Default Globes = Doome

Get the $45.00 dollar ones. Because I didn't & it ended up costing me thousands of dollars & lots of time on ebay UK to have the whole 2 head lights replaced. Because a very stupid expert auto electrician told me to buy a brand & I did as the expert said, a week later the heat from the bulbs burnt holes in the cowling - the shiny black bit wasn't I P!@#$D OFF. Or just see your friendly auto electrian & ask about replacing wiring & bulb holder so you can use those new cool globs / diodes our what ther called & the above problem won't happen

Originally Posted by bunter
anyone know of a globe thats close to the ones in the front of the gougar, rang around and seems that only ford have the globes and they are $45 each
a rude price for a small clobe it better come with a movie and a dinner at that price.

has anyone found a way around this problem, has anyone done a mod to allow other globes to fit and if so what did you do and what parts did you use.

mine is a 2000 model and its takes the baonet stile parker globe not the wedge style parking globe in the front
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