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Old 13-11-2010, 08:10 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by 05_ENFORCER
SAC's (self appointed coppers)

if someone is tailgating you and you don't like it - let them pass. its not your job to correct them. personally, tailgaters don't bother me. just ignore them. 99% of the time it is nothing personal, they are just in more of a hurry than you are and once past will have already forgotten about you. so many people make it personal.

i'm going to throw out the old 'driving is a privilege, not a right' saying. people driving 5-10km/h under the limit are annoying, but they aren't breaking any laws. a limit is exactly that - a maximum limit, not a minimum! if everyone just chilled out a bit more it would be a lot easier. i've found if i allow plenty of time to get where i need to be, i drive with a much different attitude. its only when i'm a bit pushed for time that i get a bit hot under the collar.
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