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Old 05-06-2011, 07:26 PM   #35
Adamz Ghia
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Default Re: Carbon Tax.Its a BIG Con!!!

Climate change is real, however, man made climate change is, in my opinion from what I have read on the subject, made up. The time scales the pro team are using are simply too small to be deemed accurate, where as the time scales to disprove the theory are over thousands and millions of years. Even through the industrial revolution the planet cooled and we were in a mini ice age. 25,000 years ago we were hotter than today. There is evidence that shows sea levels were in fact higher than they are now, some say Australia had an inland sea, no pro man made warmists acknowlege these examples or offer explanations for them.

I see no prblem in trying to encourage our population to move towards a more sustainable future, the words rescources aren't going to last forever, we can use this as an opportunity to make us energy independent, lead the world in renewable energy. But the way this tax is structured is wrong, and so is the Coalitions, and will cripple this country which already is facing competition from lower cost countries.
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