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Old 05-06-2011, 10:11 PM   #54
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Posts: 139
Default Re: Carbon Tax.Its a BIG Con!!!

Originally Posted by robjh80
"Carbon Tax.Its a BIG Con!!! "

Bravo csv8 .. Bravo .. .. perfect post, couldn't agree more

This will be the start of the Financial Armaggedon the general population of this Country simply cannot yet see .. so many people will suffer from this

We did not dodge the GFC, we simply delayed it ... the Worlds economies are still in a state of collapse .. Ireland, Greece, France, NZ, Italy, Belgium, USA, Great Britain, Japan are all sitting dangerously close to the edge of the abyss, some of these Countries have debt levels "that will never be paid off, ever!" ... Australia will follow

With most households already at record personal debt levels and struggling to make ends meet .... I see a future where people won't be able to feed their families, electricity will be a luxury only for the wealthy, petrol will be out of the reach of everyday lower to middle class Australians, many thousands of businesses will close down, unemployment will reach never before dreamed of levels, the retail sector will effectively come to a stand-still, tourism will cease to exist, I see mass mortgagee repossions by the banks, I see soup kitchens in the streets with many hundreds of hungry people lining up at each one

My fellow Australians .. brace yourselves .. we are heading towards the biggest Depression the World has ever seen!
I agree, the level of debt in many countries is too high to repay, so something has to give. A lot of the misery in the USA is hidden by the media - tent cities, towns where police won't respond to non-violent crime like car theft, break ins etc due to cutbacks. Juiilar is a tool of the Chinese. Why should we take action as every 4 months China's increases carbon dioxide output equal to ALL of our output. So, even if we reduce ours by 50%, 2 months later China will have replaced it.
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