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Old 08-01-2013, 12:05 PM   #1271
Cane Farmer
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Default Re: AFF Weight Gain/Loss Program

Originally Posted by raised by monkeys View Post
8-12 reps of heaviest weight will build muscle
15+ (I prefer last set as a strip set, but not on leg days lol) will burn more fat and help retain muscle and strength

Ive just bought some gen-tec ultimate thermo fuel. Coupled with higher reps, lower weight, more cardio and clean diet, attempting to lose body fat. Also taking amino acids, although from what I understand, I should be taking fat metabolisers to help shift stored fat cells. Any suggestions?
Strip set, I assume that's the same as a drop set? i.e. drop the weight and smash out a few more reps?

As for fat metabolisers, I'm not sure mate.

If anyone wants a good fitness resource/discussion board I recommend you go to

They have a really good discussion on Mondays called: Moronic's good for going in and asking a whole bunch of questions!

I've also started doing a side routine, 100 calve raises a day, found it on T-Nation....So far it seems to be working. Basically you start by doing 50 (or as many) unweighted calve raises you can do, working your way up to 100. Of course using correct form. I recommend it to anyone who wants to build their calves. I'm also thinking of doing something similar for shrugs.

1994 ED XR6T - Cobalt Blue.

2009 FG XR6 - Black.

Originally Posted by Tex
I couldn't give a crap how many are in their family, what gay passtimes they paticipate in, or whether they have a cat, dog or a freaken fish.

Keep your stinking family to yourself god damn it.
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