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Old 01-06-2013, 11:30 PM   #1383
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: AFF Weight Gain/Loss Program

Originally Posted by MWTB View Post
I was on 1500 calories (I weigh my food, I am precise) for 2 months. I lost a few kg and then stopped. I was doing heavy weight training every day and cardio afterwards for 30 minutes or more. I also work an extremely physical job. It is not possible that I was not losing weight if my metabolism was working as it should.
A 1000cal deficit, and NO weight loss?

Lets do the math.

1000Cal = the energy required to heat 1000kg water by 1 deg, or 50kg of water by 20deg.

Your body is 50-60% water, so say 50kg water (wont worry about the non-water parts of the body in this example).

To maintain weight (in this context, I mean not burn glycogen/fat/protein)while doing all that you were, AND get a 1000Cal deficit, your body temperature would have to have dropped by close to 20deg. Did it? If it did, you wouldn't be here to post about it.

What actually happened was:

1. your BMR was lower than you thought. it drops as your weight drops. your TDEE drops as your weight drops too.

2. you were retaining water. significant calorie deficits increase cortisol. intense exercise increases cortisol. cortisol increases water retention (this should make sense as water is the most critical nutrient you need in the short-term).

At the end of the day, a calorie deficit causes your body to burn stored fuel. Yes, there are studies that show significant calorie deficits lead to *some* sparing of fat, but this is more related to sparing of brown fat (which your body burns for heat) not so much white fat (which is by far the most abundant in the body).

Metabolic damage is just the latest term being thrown around by the bodybuilding/fitness industry, and its quite frankly a load of rubbish. There is no damage, its simply an adaptive response that can easily be accounted for, and reversed (and very quickly).
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