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Old 10-01-2014, 12:07 AM   #93
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 59
Default Re: 2011 Ford Focus Sport, Transmission Shudders :(

Just got back from the dealership where I had a revised clutch installed/replaced in my MII 2012 Focus Sport.

My contact/mechanic advised that the clutches going in now are revised, more specifically there has been work done to the seals. He mentioned that they are leaking fluids which is causing some type of slipping etc.

He did mention that mine did not appear to be leaking.

At any rate, the car is completely different to drive now. I rrrrrreaally have to concentrate hard to get/feel the shuddering. It's drives almost perfect. Within a few weeks I can see myself not even thinking about it or looking for it.

You can still hear the transmission make the awful sounds it does when going around roundabouts etc, but it I doubt that will ever change considering the ways its designed.

So everything reset, new revised clutch. I will continue to monitor.

I had almost learnt to live with the shudder, but the final straw for me was the four separate incidents where the car simply did not go into the next gear when accelerating. Extremely dangerous and nearly caused me to be rear ended. Very scary. Had to limp it home in gears 1/3/5

I did some research and some people mention this was the gear selector rails. I did asked for this to be looked at however the mechanic stated the new clutch should fix that issue also.

We will see, but for the time being I am......"satisfied"
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