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Old 22-11-2015, 02:27 PM   #302
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Desert City
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Originally Posted by XG_Falcon View Post
Why is it that I'm the only guy at my gym that knows how to use a bench press correctly?

The correct procedure:
1) lift weights until you're exhausted
2) get up and let somebody else use the bench

They all seem to think it's:
1) do one set
2) sit there and talk to your buddy on the next bench for twenty minutes before doing another set.

I don't even want to get started on the blokes that seem to think it's necessary to hoard every piece of iron in the building for their curls... even though they only end up using one dumbbell.

Seriously what is up with that?

Because they're self absorbed *******. It appears to be the norm in gyms today. I see so many people do one set and then sit on the machine and text, surf the net, Facebook and six or seven minutes later they're still sitting there while other people are waiting to use the gear. Or people that expect to reserve 3 bits of gear so they can superset at 5:30pm when the gym is at maximum capacity. I've been trying at the gym for over 30 years and it's the worst I've seen but now days I have no problem either telling them to hurry the **** up or get off.
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