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Old 14-06-2017, 01:08 PM   #193
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Default Re: Australia housing bubble

Originally Posted by Roostercam View Post
If its that cheap per week, why don't you buy it as your loan repayments wont be much higher unless you cant qualify for a loan. A couple of things I believe you have overlooked. Children are not for everybody, there are no rules that you must have children to be happy or complete. A mortgage may be high to begin with but that is only for the short term and then it goes down. If you don't borrow too high, it is not that much to begin with where as rent just gets higher and there is not more than 12 months security in the one place. Also, I mentioned in another post, renting or paying a mortgage does not provide a financial future if one does not save each week. In most cases, owning a house simply allows you to buy another one and perhaps make a little to put away. It is not akin to winning the lottery like many seem to imply but the feeling of security I get from owning my house Vs paying for somebody else's can't be explained until your in your own home and I doubt many argue with that.
Do you read the whole thread before you post or just quote any random post before you get all the facts, perhaps if you read on you'll see that I addressed the difference in out of pocket expenses of buying v's renting a place of equal spec and after factoring in land rates, water supply, emergency services levy, building insurance and general maintenance I would be a further $250pw out of pocket.
Yes we could afford the loan if we wanted it and the banks regular calls to see if we've made a decision yet would suggest they are happy with what was presented.
Yes we save, anther myth spruiked by the property investor, that unless you are tied to property as a means of saving for the future, that you blow money on smokes, booze, gambling or drugs as fast as it comes
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