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Old 22-10-2017, 07:47 PM   #822
BENT_8's Avatar
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Hi guys, I've been through a bad patch of late.
Whilst in Sydney a few weeks ago my happy pills ran out, I didn't notice any change in the first couple of days probably due to being preoccupied with the trip but once I got home and things settled down, boy did it bite me in the ****.

The first thing I noticed was my tolerance levels began to drop and I became irritable, then the negative thoughts came flooding back.
I knew I had to do something when I started pre-empting situations which hadn't and probably never would eventuate.

I went back to the Doc on Thursday and he gave me a grilling over it, gave me an ECG because I was suffering terrible heart palpitations and wrote me a script.
I didn't sleep from Monday to Thursday so when I took my first pill it knocked me on my **** within an hour and I slept like a baby until Friday morning.
I'm feeling better but things are still not good with the family.

I am terrible with timing as I had my last consultation with my Psych during this episode and so I've got to wait until next year to unload everything that's happened.
I asked her what she thought of my situation and she has diagnosed me as having Complex PTSD which in basic terms is a borderline personality disorder brought on by prolonged exposure to physical and emotional abuse throughout my childhood.
Problem is, Complex PTSD isn't recognised by the WHO yet, although it is meant to be included in the next update in 2018 so there may be more help once that is considered.
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