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Old 19-07-2018, 10:23 AM   #890
mick taylor
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 990
Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Originally Posted by slowsnake View Post
Everyone is like you, or me or the dude who you don't know who lives a mile away!
We all need a roof/shelter, and we need food/water, and we need a job/work to provide for ourselves or/and our families.
It takes only one negative comment to set some people on a downhill slide,with me it was a smart mouth missus, a button pusher, a person who thought the answer to her problems was an ounce of pot a week,with her twin sister and a bottle of scotch every second day,it worked up to a point,when they/she hit that point it was like a different person was sitting in the room,this big smart mouth thing who had lost all her inhibitions and was the life of the party!

The party was in her head,there was no party,it was as mad as a two bob watch,a foul mouthed vile thing who when morning come around was quiet as a field mouse.
But she will be the same now as then,I changed once I realised I was feeding this thing,this parasite on society, it was a hard move to realise that I allowed this "thing" to dictate my every thought to accommodate her illness.

But,I got over it and got on with my life, but my issues since are/were caused by injury and illness,if you fight an insurance company then you are on a long ride down,its worse than depression, its something else and I don't have a name for it.
And doctors not doing their jobs,I am talking neurosurgeon types not GP's,you get a bad one and you are gone, back down in that deep dark hole,so far down you don't know which way is up, its when you realise that none of it matters that you get better, an overworked head/psyche is like putting a lawnmower engine in Kenworth truck expecting it to pull the tractor and a load,it can't,things breakdown, that's life, if you overload your mind with useless and pointless things then it stops working,you have to get the garbage out of your head and then take steps to fix it.
But you must realise the problem is there first,not blame others or your situation, worst thing you can do is stew things over.

Cheers Billy.
A mate of mine had a wife like you are on about, but he really loved her, then came the divorce and she got married to another and then another and then came back to want to get back with him and he said no !

Many a bloke gets pussy whipped and that mates next door neighbour back in the 80's had a wife just the same and I seen what became of him, he become a shadow of a man and his brat son was a Nazi type of moron that thought he was some sort of cop trying to get my mate into trouble.

That mate of mine went on the mental pension and looks as big as Clive Palmer was now and he was once a boxer fit as a fiddle.
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