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Old 23-01-2020, 07:58 PM   #1585
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
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Default Re: What made you feel good today?

I had the conversation with my apprentice today about his job role and my teaching method. He is a second year, second week at my mob working with me. So i know his previous job it was construction and nothing more then basic bones work for the apprenti. So i said his job isnt to make my job easier by doing all the work, its to make jobs run faster by doing part of the work. Now he wants to be in a service/maintenance role. Thats what i do. So im not worried about this guy falling off a ladder or have to teach him how to strip a wire etc. He knows this. But much of the basic stuff i do daily he says to me he has never done that. So i do not show him how. I get him to do it with just some verbal guidance or a 30 second explination before hand. So far the only times ive had to take over is the odd occasion something is strange and he not really knowing what he is looking at cannot sort it out. But this guy is keen and really receptive to learning from guidance and new experience. You can watch someone do something 1000 times and be crap at it. But with this guy, having someone in his ear explaining what and how to do something is working really well. Yes i could do things faster myself, but next time i can get him working on 1 thing whilst i work on another. After time i turn it into a competition. So my main goal is to keep this guy keen and make him good at stuff. Ive watched many cooking show and cant cook anything good bar a steak or bacon, you get my drift. Experience over observation.
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