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Old 19-02-2020, 02:19 PM   #34
Trevor 57
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 7,521
Default Re: Shortage of truck drivers in Australia?

this same story has been going on since time began, sitting on your hands is not right either.

I joined the industry in 1976, it was going on then and it is going on now.

I have dealt with transport managers/owners who were feeding their drivers drugs, is that OK? I could quote one of our local blokes from years ago who said publicly "is it better to take a pill or a gumtree in the grill"

Or another bloke who asked during the interview if you (as the driver) would takes drugs, those that said no never got a job. These blokes like the dinosaurs have disappeared, the longer people turning a blind eye then the industry will never get any better

You know I can almost guarantee that if that braking attempt resulted in a big smash I reckon the very first thing out of your mouth would have been the removal of globe - something to ponder eh?
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