Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 18-03-2020, 07:12 PM   #164
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by GO FURTHER View Post
Well, 95% of members on this car forum, including those in Government and the Media also have no medical qualifications and everyone is entitled to their opinion, be it right or wrong.

As far as Bill Gates goes, being one of the most wealthiest men in the world gives him access to knowledge, advisors and experts that us mere mortals can only dream of. Not to mention the powerful computer modelling systems he has access to, that can predict outcomes in situations like this.

One thing he said in those videos is so true...

The world's powers have spent billions in military arms, intelligence and are ready for any attack or military threat at a moment's notice.

However, the world was not ready for this, and not much in comparison has been spent to prepare for pandemics.

I sometimes wonder, if this Covid-19 outbreak (while serious) is being used as one huge worldwide "social experiment", to see how people react, for the masses to get use to further government controls, for something that is coming far worse in the near future?

Time will tell.
The US was completely unprepared for 911 so i disagree
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