Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 24-03-2020, 01:47 PM   #473
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Polyal View Post
BENT8 I feel for you mate but thats life, since when is it fair? Most of the contradictions seem to be in your head, its not as complicated as your making it out and we are not even in total lock down yet.

We just got notice to keep them home from tomorrow if we can, essential service parents can still have their kids go to school.

We do the best we can, it wont be perfect, everyone will be effected and we are only 2'ish weeks in.

It could be worse.
Im not sure why you're feeling for me, id be better off if the Schools maintain the status quo as my job would be secure.
My frustrations come from the fact that there are simple answers but for some reason Govco seem to be ignoring them, every school holidays programs are run for children of parents who need them cared for during the day which doesn't impact on the level of education one child gets over another, this could be implemented overnight, yet the confusion continues.
As Yellow Festiva said, just bring forward the 6 week end of year holidays and have everyone on the same page for that period and see what happens.

What about those households where the healthcare worker does rotating shifts and so too does their partner, I guess we better have 24hr schools to cater to them.

Last edited by BENT_8; 24-03-2020 at 01:54 PM.
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