Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 26-03-2020, 05:57 PM   #697
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by FoxtrotGolfXray 5.0 View Post
Fair enough. Learn not to respond to your protagonists. They'll eventually give up, you won't have to continually defend your position, and we'll all benefit as a result.

BTW, the same advice goes to your protagonists. I want to be clear that I'm not just singling you out, BENT_8.

I've had my say. That will be the last on the matter from me. I'm moving on to other things now.

Confirmed that a 3rd has passed away in Vic from COVID-19. Not good.
Fair call and I agree, my posts with regard to what's happening with the school system wasn't to ram my opinions down anybody's throat, I just thought i'd give those who might not otherwise see this side of it, a snap shot of what's going on and at what pace in my experience, and in my experience, the Government advisers have misread the public and professionals views on this for whatever reason.

People have suggested that parents shouldn't need the Govco to tell them what to do, but from my own perspective, the families I deal with everyday are refugee's, many of whom have been in the country less than 10 minutes, hence the access to the program run for their children. Many of them come from parts of the World where everything they do is controlled by their homelands Govco and so in times of crises it is a strong leadership which they rely on to make those decisions right or wrong.
Unfortunately the way this has been handled has been a complete cluster **** from day dot, that's not a Political statement, if it we're Albo coming up with this **** i'd be saying the same.
If they cant even get the rules around a haircut right, is no wonder people are confused

Anyway, its fairly clear where its heading with this regard now so i'll refrain from commenting on this aspect of the crisis from now on.
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