Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 29-03-2020, 11:02 PM   #882
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by turbo4 View Post
The media certainly hasn't helped. Instead of making the messaging clear, they intentionally confuse the situation.
Either that, or they really are stupid.
If a simple farm-bred tradie like myself can figure it out, surely these university educated journalists can.
Media make their money by the amount of traffic that visits or tunes in to their page or broadcast, so its not in their interests to stay calm. every headline is designed to get people to click on it or tune in to it. The more traffic, the more money they get from advertisers using their pages or station.

If they can get some 'expert' to chime in with some alarmist spiel about what 'could' happen then all the better. It is largely speculative but for some strange reason the public seem to believe it more than the official source of info.

The govt can't issue advice that is going to specifically cover every scenario for every type of situation or job etc. Most people with half a brain can figure out the gist of it. Its not hard.
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