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Old 03-04-2020, 07:17 PM   #1126
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Why is it there is no helping some people. So my team at work consisted of myself, another service electrician and a globe jockey. Our globe jockey wasnt the smartest guy, but he was a lovely bloke. To be fair, there isnt a guy i work with who i wouldnt have a beer with. Anyhow, the other service guy and myself, everytime we heard from management the dumb things the young bloke was getting into trouble for, we would try help the guy out. Stuff like paperwork, ordering gear, answering the phone or atleast calling back, replying to emails, simple stuff. Work tightened the screws because of 1 person. I was off work on tuesday, but my manager is a mate so i answered his call on tuesday and it was just a rant how the young bloke wouldnt respond to phone calls and he even called the building security where he should have been working in case he had hurt himself. But this bloke rocked up an hour late then left not too long after. So my manager was doing the right thing. Rolled into my office this morning to drop my car off to get sign written. The young bloke got sacked on the spot yesterday. Nothing to do with the economic situation. But its not like he had 2 people trying to help keep him in a job. Its not a good time to be out of work when you still had a meaningful 40 hours work in an essential industry.
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