Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 04-04-2020, 03:54 PM   #1105
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by prydey View Post
I'm not sure people fully understand how lethal the 'potential' is of the virus. Yes, the numbers aren't as bad statistically as other viruses we've had before, but we are only at the beginning. Australia being an island has the potential to handle it better than other larger continents but it relies on everyone doing their bit.
Agreed, you constantly hear and see people make comparisons with the normal yearly flu season to down play the spread and mortality rate of COVID but what they fail to realise is that whilst the normal flu season does infect more and kill more people, it is allowed to spread freely amongst the population whereas COVID is only being kept in check by unprecedented social distancing measures.
If it was allowed the same opportunities to spread as the normal flu, it would be out of control already.

If you look at a world map which highlights the spread and level of outbreak you see that the majority of hard hit countries are just coming out of their Winter months, so the colder northern conditions would assist the virus. We're still on the tail end of a fairly warm, dry Summer/Autumn and so whilst our spread doesn't look anything like those in other regions, we're yet to experience the conditions which bring about our regular flu season.
We are probably lucky that its hit us when it did and not in 3 months as those maps could be quite different without the lead in we've had in Australia.
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