Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 12-04-2020, 08:22 AM   #1463
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by xxx000 View Post
I'd call what you posted trivializing the Holocaust and outright offensive.
Comparing temporary measures designed to limit the spread of a potentially deadly virus with death camps and blind hatred towards a single group of people is about as ludicrous as it gets.

I've heard the same comparison made years ago re the introduction of crushing of cars for hoon behaviour.

It's easy to try to create a tenious link between govt policies and Nazi Germany but it's not factual, it's simply emotive bs and is denying the valid medical evidence that is behind these measures.

I personally don't find the current measures draconian.
The notion that governments around the world have gotten together and come up with varying but still basically similar methods of people control but using Covid 19 as a cover is frankly absurd.

On a side note, i despise racism in all its forms. The last few years saw here in Australia lots of hatred towards Muslims and used the various face coverings of Muslim women to justify it claiming it was wrong, oppressive etc.
Well guess what? Go pretty much anywhere here now and you'll see lots of those same hater Anglo women and men too wearing a face covering that hides much of their face. It's called a facemask.
After all of that and what you berate FC for, you equate an archaic religion requiring women to wear oppressive garments to some (just as easily brainwashed) white people temporarily wearing face masks during a so called pandemic
BTW it isn’t racist to criticise or oppose Islam as many races follow it.
And buggered if I know why you picked out anglos as Catholic Filipinos or some Hindu Indians despise Islam 100 times over than large populations in the bad white west.
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