Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 21-04-2020, 07:11 PM   #2055
Franco Cozzo
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

I did the COVID-19 test yesterday night after work at Royal Melbourne Hospital as I had some of the symptoms and I met the criteria for the test, I work in a customer facing role and I've been all over Melbourne visiting people at their workshops and I'm in the age group for the highest group of carriers without the significant symptoms.

Walk in, you have to use your phone to fill in some information, then you walk in and they give you a mask you have to put on and ask more questions verifying your personal details.

You go past the first gate keeper nurse, they take observations, blood pressure and heart rate.

Once this is done you go in further, doctor talks to you about symptoms and prods a bit further -its only now you find out you can't go to work until you get your test results. Once you're at this point there's no going back, I tried to backtrack and exit stage left because of the time off work thing without giving notice but they were rather adamant I'm not going anywhere without a test

Once this is done its into a stall, they take blood from you, a spit sample, then they put this thing like a pipe cleaner in your throat, swab your tonsils then another pipe cleaner goes all the way up your nose which feels as awesome as you can imagine it sounds.

Then its out the door back to the car.

Just got my results now - negative, I'm free to go back to work tomorrow, 24 hour turn around on results.

It was less than an hour in and out of the joint, very orderly, very nice staff.

As far as my experiences go with the Royal Melbourne Hospital, I rate this 9 out of 10.

Point lost for no prostate massage...
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