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Old 02-06-2020, 07:55 PM   #3203
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
Posts: 8,385
Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Today i got a callout to change 1 fluoro tube. Now the place has the worst designed light fittings in the universe. 1 never means 1. If it was say 5 lamps then its not terrible. It was 40. The fittings are slimline linear pendants with 5 foot tubes. They arent like a normal fluoro where the tube twists out, they have these stupid push on things and the lamps are held in with clips. So by myself it takes 6 moves of the ladder and probably about 10 minutes per lamp, more if the lamp is cracked as they tend to do because these fittings retain heat. So i got 20 done this arvo. I have got the apprentice to come in tomorrow. 2 people, 2 ladders double teaming it the lamps get changed in about 2 minutes, no ladder shuffling. The only positive is its for a female swimwear brand so the marketing posters they dot around are somewhat decent to look at.
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