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Old 09-06-2020, 05:12 PM   #181
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Default Re: Marriage - Bliss or Prison?

Originally Posted by Yellow_Festiva View Post
As I said before. You have NFI how the system works.
I said nothing about the sytem. You said the system destroys families, I pointed out that the family unit is already destroyed before it gets to family court. Women who are happy in their marriages do not decide to just throw it all down the gurgler.

You are still assuming that everyone should just do good for each other and it will all be alright.
People who are in happy relationships generally DO "just do good for each other"

There are women that carefully plan, set up and arrange the timing of their separation for maximum financial gain and to cause maximum damage to their children and ex partners in the guise of going what's best for the children.
I'm sure there are. There are also men who do the same thing, some go as far as abducting their kids and vanishing. Look at Rowan Baxter, he got shared custody.. 3 days on week and 4 the next... 165 days out of 365... and it wasn't enough for him. He lost the plot over it and decided rather than accepting that, he'd set fire to the car his wife and kids were in, killing them all. Clearly it had nothing to do with the kids, he just viewed custody as a competition and decided there had to be a winner and a loser and he wanted to "win."

They don't care for making it work
Have a read of the articles I linked above. If a woman is not interested in making it work, it's usually because they've been trying for years and have now checked out emotionally, it's often too late by then to make it work. Have a read of that Sudden Divorce Syndrome. Women tend to (internally) abandon a relationship long before they get up and leave. One of the things they say is that many men seem to think their relationship is going swimmingly because their wife has stopped complaining/nagging about something. Instead the silence is actually the wife giving up and no longer bothering, and is emotionally detaching herself from her hubby until she eventually ups and leaves.

There are a lot of resources online (from qualified psychologists) that talk about some of the motivating factors behind divorce. Having a read of them won't do any harm, and the psychologists even say that many men end up back in relationships that last longer the next time around as they're more aware of the factors that contributed to their first divorce.

And there are even more men that have no option but to stay with an abusive or manipulative partner because it means they can see their kids every day and not be removed from their lives and forced to pay child support for the privilege of not seeing them.

You are delusional if you think this doesn't happen.
I don't think I've said that it doesn't happen. You just seem to think that every divorce comes along with a vengeful woman who's hellbent on destruction, without acknowledging that they often have their own valid reasons for leaving. Some also end amicably.

My ex wife 'earnt' over $450k after our 5yr marriage. When I met her she had less than 1 pay check in her account, a car worth $1k and an apparently poor family that needed financial help.
Out of interest, what was it about her that was the deciding factor for you to date and ultimately marry her? What qualities did she have that you wanted, and that would contribute to building the foundation of a happy relationship that would last both of you into your old age?
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