Thread: USA Riots
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Old 10-06-2020, 11:25 PM   #283
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Default Re: USA Riots

Originally Posted by superyob View Post
Some serious TDS here. But if Obama did it, it would be OK.
No it wouldn't. Obama sucked, trump sucks, pelosi sucks, biden sucks, the police suck!

It's not a sports league! You don't barrack for someone and defend them by calling out the other 'teams'.
You criticise the system and all the individuals that are failing.

Clutches pearls.. the blacks are looting and it's the libtards fault - says country founded on looting a British ship selling tea, all because they didn't want to pay tax on their smuggled rum.

Floyd was not a nice guy so what is all this for? - says tards not familiar with the history of the US police. Their history is serving and protecting the wealthy so your stuffed if you're black, or a white union leader, white anti war protestor or a white homeless person. Look up how seattle police treat homeless whites, or the union strike massacres even if you don't care for black people.

The police and their unions having been holding governors and mayors hostage for decades. Always forcing an increase in the budget for them at the expense of education, health and housing. It's gone too far, they are doing nothing but getting people locked up to feed the prison industry. Money would be better put to use for the peoples benefit over more armoured vehicles. Best thing about this is the public dissent is erroding the police power so mayors and governors can pay attention to the people and not fear being voted out due to the power of the police.

I'm not a BLM or Floyd supporter, but to say Floyd was no angel is a weak argument. Are people that use that excuse OK with just killing him? If so what was the point of his prison time? I thought if you did the time then you are free? If that's not the case then why put him in prison? May as well just have killed him way back. If that's fine with you then would you liked to be killed after your first offence? If not, then what's the point of prison anyway, and why does it make it OK to kill him after prison time served?

Chauvin knew Floyd and didn't like him, that's why he tried to punish him hard, resulting in his death. Is that OK for cops to kill people for personal reasons?
Don't forget this is minneapolis where cops thought it was OK to stab everyone's tyres. Is that OK with you, for cops to have that much power and disregard for the average person? Or only if they're black?

E: Is anyone shocked at all the confederate monuments getting pulled down? Not the fact that they're doing it but the sheer fscking number of them. Some are in buttfsck nowhere, in places that weren't even a state during the civil war. Put up by the daughters and sons of b!tches of the confederacy.

I guess most people here would have said for ages for the blacks to move on and stop blaming slavery history for their current situation because they've been 'free' for a century. But it really runs it home to me how they've been living under the shadow of oppression all this time. The slave auction block in Fredericksburg was finally removed from the street corner 2 days ago... Damn.

Unons states plus non existant states like Washington, Nevada, California, New Mex, Idaho? have confederate monuments? Weird.

EE: Oh and most of the forums I visit are USA based so I have to add it's not cool to talk about a bullet for the pres no matter who he is. Many of those USA forums get to much attention from the FBI after saying that, so never do it.

Last edited by oldel; 10-06-2020 at 11:48 PM.
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