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Old 30-06-2020, 05:55 PM   #11
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Feb 2005
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Default Re: Doctors and Very Old Drivers

I think the medical needs to be changed for older drivers. It currently tests primarily for physical (eg. loss of limb function/mobility) or sensory (hearing/visual acuity) deficits.

IME, the biggest issue with older drivers is their ability to keep track of what's going on around them. They seem to drive in a bubble, and the older they get, the smaller the bubble - blissfully ignorant of the traffic around them or their effect on it. If not a physical driving test on the road, the simulated one to test their crash avoidance/risk perception.

Years ago, when the stats were still available, I found that the crash rate of P platers versus 75+ was quite similar per km travelled. What was significant though was that P platers predominately had single vehicle crashes, 75+ frequently involved others. I think a review into that age-group's fitness to drive is long overdue.
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