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Old 04-07-2020, 07:35 PM   #90
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 874
Default Re: Doctors and Very Old Drivers

Yes, interesting thoughts by @Express.
I am about to roll over 73, and I think that I am still ‘with it’ as far as driving, but not at night. That is a problem that I try to avoid as much as possible. I don’t know if it is my eyes or the headlights on current model cars, but it is a problem.
The other problem is being very aware of speed limits, and trying to be a good citizen. I have wasted too much money on speeding fines, and these days I like to spend my cash on more worthwhile activities.
My only accident that I plead guilty to was in 1968, wet road, crap tyres, off camber corner trying to emulate Norm Beechey, without the talent. Although not serious, no injuries except to confidence, it could have been really bad, and was a wake-up to how things can go wrong very quickly.
Since then, only minor scrapes as a ‘professional’ driver, with fools who do not understand what a “do not overtake turning vehicle” sign on a heavy vehicle means.
My health is good, my eyesight is checked yearly, I don’t wear glasses, and I am capable of driving 900km per day and can still walk when I get out of the car.
In 2019, I covered nearly 20Km in my 3 cars, somewhat less than usual as it is a bit hard to see the coast from Broome/ Darwin/ Cairns by car, and this year looks like being very quiet, (thanks COVID)
So, I am not looking forward to the day when I realise, or somebody insists that an Aussie V8 is not for me anymore, get a restricted licence and buy a Chinese made 2 cylinder hybrid.
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