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Old 05-07-2020, 03:19 PM   #123
Franco Cozzo
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Default Re: Doctors and Very Old Drivers

Originally Posted by lra View Post
I, as an older drive, don't have any problems with it, nor am I upset.

My father drove until he was about 95, not very competently.
His first elderly accident was when he was about my age now, he did a left hand turn from the right hand lane on a roundabout, and of course it was not his fault that the car on his left hit him. That was my fault somehow, as I was the one who apparently wrote the ‘stupid’ rules for roundabouts.
His next stuff-up was during a RMS driving test, he was told to proceed straight ahead at an intersection. He got into the right turn lane, and when he got the green right turn arrow, drove straight ahead against the red light. Somehow that was also my fault, because I had not explained marked lanes and lights to him. License suspended pending a re-test.
I went to his house a couple of days later just as he was getting out of his car which he had driven to the shops. After a somewhat heated discussion, he agreed that he was driving unlicensed, and uninsured, but what was his alternative ? Too much of a problem to ask me to take him to the shops …….. he was OK to look after himself …….. been doing it all his life.
After I followed him home one day, he stopped at a green light to turn right, no cars coming, and when it turned red, he drove around the corner, again no other cars coming.
That was it, I told him to hand in his license, big argument, and when his next test came up, he did not renew it. My fault also, as I was being unreasonable.
Usually how it goes when child tries to tell parent something regardless of age
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