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Old 10-07-2020, 04:10 PM   #8
Crazy Dazz
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Hydrogen is coming

Companies have been peddling crap, since the Ugg brothers invented fire.
Just because Company X has knocked together a few examples and is trialling them somewhere, does not mean its the wave of the future.

Hydrogen fuel-cells make zero sense on so many levels.

A hydrogen filling station is going to cost a hell of a lot more than an EV station, and require a lot more maintenance.

Using hydrogen produced by electrolysis, is stupendously inefficient.
I'll give you a hint, NOBODY produces commercial hydrogen that way.

The range is truly crap. You simply can't store enough compressed hydrogen to make it viable. At least with an EV, the idea is that for most user, you simply leave the car on charge overnight at home. No drama. Eventually, if you can also plug it at work or in a public carpark, so much the better.
But the idea of having to go to the servo every day, and stand around while your car fills with hydrogen. Well lets just say that in American the incidence of people shooting their cars will rise dramatically.

Its also extremely dangerous, far more so than LPG which many seem to hate.
In developing their air-burst weapons (ie things that are meant to explode in the most lethal way possible) the USA rejected Hydrogen because it was too dangerous.
Hydrogen requires specialised tanks and fittings because under pressure it is highly corrosive and will eat through most metals and polymers.
If you get any air trapped in the tank, even a few ml everytime you fill, eventually it will ignite and explode.

The whole argument for Hydrogen, is based on the MYTH of infinite free (or at least damn cheap) electricity from Nuclear Power.
I say "myth" because the argument for "limitless cheap electricity" has been made for the last 100 years, but has never actually eventuated. Now I am no expert on the economics of running a nuclear power station, and maybe its just corporate greed, but the cost of buying nuclear-generated power (whilst cheaper) has never reached the super-cheap levels promised.
Time to Make the Hippies Cry Again

Last edited by Crazy Dazz; 10-07-2020 at 04:17 PM.
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