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Old 18-08-2020, 11:52 PM   #1135
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
Posts: 8,370
Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Everything has been getting a bit on top of me lately. Employment, well that is what it is. Trying to settle my late dads estate, i had to go full legal, and they for whatever reason need all my financials so its like they are putting my testicles into a paper shredder. And to top things off, one of my bordering properties refuse to do either anything about their overgrown back yard, or come to the party to replace the fence their overgrowth had startet to push over. I did complain to the council, so have others, but they are powerless. I also complained to the council about the big glorious gum tree that has big branches that extend over my house. So have my neighbours. A limb flattened the shed of my neighbor a few months back. I did them the nice thing and helped out. Well, a few nights ago one over my house fell. It missed my house. Sort of. It hit the outside unit for my A/c and flattened the fence. Initially i didnt do anything. Me+angry+chainsaw=probably not good. I got a mate to help with the carnage and prop the fence up the next day. But i seriously cannot cut a break at the moment.
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