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Old 24-10-2020, 03:12 PM   #2548
Kicking back
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Default Re: What made you feel good today?

Ive been doing a bit of a garden tidy up lately. A few weeks back i dropped off a bag of cuttings to my mum. Her boyfriend has taken it upon himself to plant out the community garden in the retirement village he lives in. So he has to fund it. So, the small cuttings were appreciated. I have much larger stuff to thin out. But, just to save any double handling, i gifted a smaller established yukka. Reason being, i have more larger ones that need to go, but if they arent going anywhere, ill cut them up and bin them. Today my mum passed on the appreciation for the smaller plant. Apparently from a nursury, a yukka that size goes for around $80. So sweet, i had 2 larger ones sitting in buckets of water for the past couple weeks waiting to see if they were wanted. So i gifted those today. Atleast theyre appreciated and going somewhere.
Ive seen mums boyfriends efforts in that garden. Its currently a lot of seedlings and such from the $1 racks at flower power etc. In time it will flourish, but a few established plants will make it look more complete in the mean time.
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