Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 12-02-2022, 11:33 PM   #18432
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by GTMOND View Post
Attached is just one article stating on the first sentence 90 something percent effective against getting Covid. I found plenty stating that including one from ATARGI stating the same. I agree that they also state it MAY help against severe illness.
I'm not here to argue, but surely someone in the media has to ask why we have to create so much divide in the community, with the endless discrimination against unvaccinated people, whom a great majority are just normal people who have a legitimate concern about this particular vaccine.
The hysteria of some people refusing to sit beside someone unvaccinated is just mind boggling. I just can't get the way unvaccinated people are treated, I can carry it and pass it on just as easy as someone unvaccinated.
I have lost some great workmates who were just ordinary Fathers who just didn't want the vaccine, and felt that strongly that they give up high paying positions in the mines.
Mark Magowan had a press conference yesterday saying that there is a significant amount of elderly people in nursing homes who didn't want the jab because they were approaching the end of their lives, he said he understood that, yet these are the people who are the most vulnerable to be effected by Covid, yet he pushes it on everyone else, including kids who are the least vulnerable. I'm sorry, but once again, it doesn't make sense.
I have just had my booster, and to be honest didn't want it, but being that I work in WA, it's mandatory.
Sorry, forgot my attachment.
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