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Old 17-02-2022, 02:49 PM   #13
simon varley
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Default Re: P2002 particulate filter efficiency below threshold

Originally Posted by Crazy Dazz View Post
What does it actually do when it regenerates? I'm guessing it burns the soot, but how?
I didn't think Mondeo had a DPF either, but if it does, there are a number of things it can do to burn off the soot
  • Natural Burn.
    under moderate to heavy driving conditions the natural temperature of the exhaust gasses is high enough to start combustion of the soot trapped in the filter. This is the 'normal' method and for most people all that is really needed
  • Controlled Burn
    under certain circumstances the car PCM may decide it needs to initiate a burn itself. This can be triggered by a number of things - pressure drop too high, time since last regen, distance since last regen etc. this would be why OP reports a failure due to pressure sensor issues. There are a number of ways the car can do this, and I'm not sure what Mondeo actually does. It can be achieved by artificially raising the exhaust temp up to where it combusts the soot. Some cars have an extra diesel injector to pump in a small amount of fuel just before the DPF to ignite it.
  • Dealer Burn
    when all else fails the dealer can plug in an initiate a Service action to burn off the soot. This is rarely needed, and to be honest is a bit risky. the temperatures generated in a burn are really high, and without a lot of airflow over the exhaust, it can get very, very hot around it.

at some point though, even with all of this, the DPF will get to a point where it is full up. the burn leaves an ash behind and that just builds until the only solution is to replace the dpf with a new one
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