Thread: China protests
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Old 30-11-2022, 03:04 PM   #32
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Default Re: China protests

Media, there all as bad as each other - east west whatever.....
My ol father inlaw would always shout out watching news being an ol ethnic, "propaganda!!!"
I agree who are we to point the finger the west has done just as wrong but at least people do have more freedoms when push comes to shove unless your a real national threat or to society for sure your locked up.
As we know HK has fallen back into the CCP ruling but early days it sure isn't like being on the mainland barring change of laws.
HK people have had alot of western influence/freedom over the decades and knows alot more than the average never travelled mainlander.
They are in the CCP's bubble, sure the younger ones are being more adventurous but most of the older gen forget it unless they are the veryvery small portion with $ and travel experience.
The old Gen are scared of jabs/needles, reports I saw not even 20% been vaccined.
Thats their concerns in part I suspect And CCP only relying on their own vaccine that is not to the standards of pfizer.

I have been trading/visiting mainland over 20yrs and obviously in contact regularly.
Talking with many middle/upper management younger ones some are in the CCP bubble no doubt about it.
Being the thread starter brought up the lockdown protesting etc here's a copy paste reply yesterday from my question how they are and lockdowns etc :
"Thank you for your greetings and we're all fine now.
I'm back to XXXXX office for normally working since yesterday and my son can be back to school this morning.

To be honest,the COVID is not serious as abroad,but our government take it very strictly once new people affected.
That's the reason why we was blocked at home for some days to avoid more people affected."

Some discussions during my visit I question how they feel about not having their POV - not allowed this not allowed that ? no YT/FB etc but replaced with their mediums controlled by CCP - they say its right for the west is too free.
Maybe they are right ? in some ways we have lost the plot - but I sure wouldn't like our Gov to just come down on my suburb for eg and run amuck, either kick you out or lock you in, take your land etcetc.

Its a mad world but I'm dam happy I'm here.
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