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Old 22-05-2023, 06:57 PM   #1707
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Originally Posted by DFB FGXR6 View Post
It's amazing how a few words and sentences can undo a person, cut them to the bone and make them feel completely worthless. Call that person out and suddenly you have the attitude problem.

Here's a tip for everyone........... Don't bother trying, don't show enthusiasm, don't bother pleasing other people as you never will. Just stay in that dark hole and you won't get hurt, annoy anyone or make a mistake.
This time last year, I was debt free, but working in a job where driving one of 2 V8 powered falcons didnt exactly do a whole lot for my credibility in my job, so I put myself $25k in debt to buy something more suited to my occupation at the time.

Great idea, it wasnt something I *had* to do, but all of a sudden I had a reason to do it, so I figured why not.

In 6 weeks though..... oh boy....first my rent skyrocketed courtesy of rising interest rates, my landlord told me that I really needed to look at buying if I wanted to keep living where I am, and them my dad got transferred from the nursing home where he'd been staying in a dementia ward to the local hospital where it was found he was malnourished and dehydrated.
Naturally I went to see him, froze my butt off when I pulled up for a nap on the way to the coast to see him, spent the weekend at the hospital and drove home on the sunday night. Woke up the monday morning with one heck of a cold, called in sick, same again tuesday morning, but this time the boss says "hey bud...... sorry to do this to ya, but the owner has decided he's had enough of trying to get staff so he's closing the business and I'll email you your termination letter, your last day will be next tuesday"

Great.... back to work the next day, work the week out, drive back out to the coast for the weekend with dad, he's still not responsive, basically tube fed and on enhanced life support. Talked with the palliative care nurse (fwiw... if you think your job sucks, its nothing compared to convincing people to let their loved ones die, I discovered whole new levels of respect for some people that day) and gave the OK for them to do what they needed to do, after all, when all someone can do is stare blankly at the wall or the ceiling, unresponsive to sight or sound, theres no quality of life left. You wouldnt do it to a dog.

Drove home the sunday night to finish what I needed to do at work, last day at work on the tuesday, same old BS from the business owner about him not wanting to do it, didnt have the heart to tell him he's half the fkn problem..... Moped around the house, txt messaged dads partner, then get the call early saturday morning that dad had finally passed.

What really blew my mind in all of this, was peoples attitudes.
Dads partner had the hide to tell me "I am beginning to wonder if you made the right decision about turning everything off"
My mum literally ordered me over the phone to go and see him one last time, just to tell him that she forgives him for when he supposedly cheated on him back in the 80's, then does the asian mum thing when I said no, and started yelling at me about respect.....
The guy who owned the business I was working for KNEW about my plans, what I was doing and why I was going into debt solely to help me be better at my job, yet didnt say a single damn word about it when he knew damn well what was going on.

TLDR: I put myself in debt because of my job then got made redundant, had my living arrangements potentially pulled out from under me and lost my dad all in under 6 weeks.

So yeah..... I know the feeling about what people say, and not wanting to put effort in, especially when mediocrity, doing the bare minimum is what seems to get people rewarded, it seems to surprise people when you go above and beyond, but it doesnt get you anywhere.

Just for giggles, once upon a time I was hired into a job specifically because literally every workshop in town put my name forward, retail job, pay rate was several dollars an hour above award, I was 2nd highest paid on site. 4 years later I was given reason to question why I hadnt seen a single cent of a pay raise in 4 years and I was told "Your pay rate will increase when the award rate catches up with what you're getting paid now"

The manager had my resignation letter by the end of that week.
I dont care if some prius driving eco-hippy thinks its politically incorrect for me to drive a V8..... I'm paying for the fuel!
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