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Old 08-07-2023, 03:40 PM   #5
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
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Default Re: South Australia introduces a 'Supercar Licence'

A specific licence, well that may sorta work when it comes to people who rent lambos or whatever and showboat because they wont be able to rent them. That being said, surely it wouldnt be a difficult thing to get. More often then not when the news has a story of a crashed supercar its a rental. Yes some people who own them do crash them, but typically if its theirs they arent as harsh on the gear if that makes sense.
Now, in a perfect world if everybody stuck to the speed limit, a lambo or such is safer then say a toyota corolla. Say your doing 60 in a 60 zone and a child bolts onto the road chasing a ball, which car will stop quicker?
Other reason i dont think the extra licence will be effective is ive known a lot of rich guys with fancy cars who give zero ****s if they lose their licence. They can afford the fines and to them 6 months catching ubers is nothing.
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