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Old 03-05-2006, 08:38 PM   #246
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Join Date: Jan 2005
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Ok, I do have a licence.

The story is that I had a fine that I hadnt paid for so long, just totally forgot about it and yeah. Because I hadnt paid the fine, they suspended my licence until it gets paid.
I didnt know about this, anyway driving to wsid on a friday arvo, I get pulled in for a random breath test and licence check, yep all good. Copper says to me you dont have a licence, we discuss it for a bit, work out whats gone wrong, my mate drives the car home, the fine got paid and yeah, I now have my licence and all is well.
The RTA confirmed that no letter was sent to me saying I was suspended, so the police didnt book me for driving unlicenced.
All is good so far. Thats not the reason I didnt make it to the AU Day though. A selected few know about that, and I would like to keep it that way. If the AU day was on the monday or tuesday I would of been there 100%.

But yes, I did bump into Chief in Goulburn and it was a bit of a spin out. I was on my way to Albury for a few days to see a friend I havent seen in a year that is on Uni break.
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