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Old 06-07-2006, 01:55 AM   #368
Professor Farnsworth
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i always hovered around 72kgish.. 5ft11.. smoked from the age of 16 to 22.. when i quit i instantly put on weight as i started eating to make up for the smoking, BOY did i eat. got up to 106kg!! (you woudn't think i was that much by looking at me, sure i was a little tubby, but didn't look 106kg). Since then i just focussed on eating better, doing a bit of exercise. I don't drink soft drink at all, don't drink alcohol at all, (both were previously quite active hobbies for me) and i eat better food, more fresh meat, fish, fresh vegies and only ever have wholemeal bread. Gluten is a killer for me so i stay away from that too.

Don't eat Pizza, Lasagne, most types of pasta, don't have milkshakes...

basically i eat relatively boring things now, but you can still make some pretty tasty stuff, and have the odd treat.

I'm now back to 70kg, which is a bit under what i'd want to be at, but i feel relatively good. Not sure if this helps anyone, but here it is anyway.
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