Thread: USA Riots
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Old 02-06-2020, 11:41 PM   #82
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Default Re: USA Riots

Originally Posted by T3rminator View Post
Fair point. Hence why there are so many white americans backing up the protest. All I'm saying is, the anger comes from a very deep rooted cause, whether we like it or not. So when people ask "why isn't there an outrage when a white person is killed by a cop in the US", they need to look deeper than just that actual act itself.
The anger comes from decades of destructive liberal infiltration of the education system, public sectors, media and popular culture. This liberalism drills victim hood into blacks, makes them dependent on those pushing this ideology and installs guilt into whites for past wrongs or perceived past wrongs that is outside of their control. Divide and conquer.

Add in instances like what happened the other day, when fuelled by the race baiting media and herd mentality of social media, emotions overcome logic and everyone that cannot think for themselves are under the impression American cops start the day planning how many black men they are going to kill on their shift. Everyone has the impression black Americans risk their lives leaving their homes everyday (when statistic say the opposite is true) and every white person is racist.

There is huge division within western societies and it is unsustainable in the long term.
The mainstream media are the greatest threat to this, driving a wedge between many sectors of society. From political leanings to race to class to sex.
White people are fair game in the West funnily enough mostly from, and fuelled by their own kind.
This will not end well, the disdain peddled against white people from left wing organisations, political parties, media and their followers will see most western countries go the way of Zimbabwe or South Africa.

I’d be interested in hearing long term solutions going forward.
I’m sure the hard left would like to see a type of repatriation towards blacks and other people of colour in way of wealth redistribution from whites.

Or perhaps in the USAs case, the union or country as it is, to be broken up and divided into red/blue to form their own independent respective countries. Citizens and businesses can choose where to stay/relocate as they see fit.
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