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Old 06-06-2020, 06:35 PM   #144
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Default Re: Marriage - Bliss or Prison?

Originally Posted by mondeomatureguy View Post
Hi guys,
well its not just Custody problems that guys have.
Because my ex and I didn't have kids we never had this problem when we went to court.

The day I went to court my ex wife had a really good female Solicitor and she had me by the B***S. I was told "because my earning capacity was greater then hers and she was award our house that I paid for with only owing 20k left on the mortgage.

I got some money but not near enough and when my Solicitor said "I should appeal" I just couldn't afford too.
Funny how solicitors say there is absolutely nothing wrong with the current system.

It's because they get paid for attendance not performance.

When meeting lawyers, they talk big and tough, promise this and that then as soon as they get into the court room they are as tough as a wet tissue and just say yes and agree to anything and everything the judge suggests without correction or reply that could possibly help their client.

Then they walk out of the court room, client fuming, lawyer said that they could 'read' the judges face and knew what the outcome was going to be before they even opened their mouth so best not **** them off further.

'Give the judge a good impression and show you are willing to negotiate'. Yes, no matter what lies and falsehoods are mentioned.

Of course, you don't like that, I will gladly help you appeal where I will once again talk tough, promise the earth and possibly get you a slightly better outcome that will be only 1/4 of the eventual legal fees I will charge you.

The whole system is a corrupt ponzi scheme made to transfer wealth away from families and children to lawyers and barristers that do all they can to promote litigation, fill clients with false hope and then blame 'the system' when they don't come through.

All my lawyers and barristers put in as much effort at defending my case as a year 8 debating student... and to think they were once normal people with a conscience.

I've been around the world a couple of times or maybe more.......
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