View Poll Results: Should we get rid of old cars from general traffic
This poll will close on 22-05-2009 at 11:47 AM |
Yes, collecting is for collectors and the road needs to be safer
davocol, Daymoe, flappist, ivorya, jack_frost1980, madmatty, nugget378, seduced_xr, Smoke Pursuit, The Stylist, Tickford GT, ute351, vaughany, Yellow Fire
14 |
12.84% |
Yes, but it needs a lot more thinking
388cube_edxr8, 4Vman, arby, AUXRVIII, Buzz Box, EF Hoon, FTE72, futura97, Gobes32, Grunter, GT0132, gz1, Hoops, IAM58L, Jack91, Jase_Boss, JBomb3000, LeadFoot81, Martys-Bionic-XR, mcnamg, Mr Hardware, Nickxb, Pinkbits, prydey, pwr4ce, Scott, sgmxr8, shuttleworth, snappy, ThePistonHead, Trendseeker, Watto_Cobra, XAGSV8, xr6fa, XR6_190
35 |
32.11% |
No, australians can't afford to do this
bf tubs, Addz08, AdzT3-146, Antwon, AU-Hog, Bad Bird, buickman, CMGLX, Dave_au, Deech, Dezza, dizzlexr6, DJR-351, ea_monty, FGII-XR6, Force6, FPVTurboTaxi, goXF, Hitman, HSV587, jether, Jim83, Lane351, LTDHO, MONSOON, Mr Brooksy, mrbaxr6t, mr_xr8, Nikked, pauljh74, Paxton, Redrum, Rock ape, Ross-b, trippa, VioletGT, xy500, Zed7fiddy
38 |
34.86% |
doof doof doof doof NOOOOOO pssshhht doof doof doof
4VCLEVO, 70caprigt3k, belvo, bloggs24, Boosh Brus, cheek, Darkr, Donny, DrPepper, fallingbear, FGX-351, gregsAUII, GSfalcon500, loosey, mcflux, Michael_F90, mikestp, mrn05xb, stupa, TomXY, Torquen, vztrt
22 |
20.18% |