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Petrol Price crisis......
Well.............I'm sure we've all discussed this before in drips over several different threads and topics..........but recently it was announced that the new carbon tax could add anything up to an additional 30C per litre.............and in the foreseeable future.
As it stands......we're all staring down the barrel ( pardon the pun ) at approx $2.00 per litre by the end of the year. As the owner of a gas guzzling BFGT290........It's really biting into my enjoyment of the beast and has seriously curbed my cruise time. what the hell are we all gonna do when it costs us $120+ to fill up our average large cars and $90.00+ to fill up your average small car. I used to drive home from work at least times a week to get out of the office, have a good home cooked lunch and get a real break from the office moronics..............now I find I can save around $100 a month by just staying at work and eating in the lunch room............friggin hell.............I never thought I'd see the day where our lives are being so incrementally impacted in such a short period of time. It costs me approx $24.00 more to fill the car than it did around the same time last year. I also see that companies like BPR are now offering ECONOMY tunes for the BOSS powered cars as well !!!!!!!!! Sign of the times I guess. I won't be selling up............yet...........but I know heaps that are seriously considering hybrids and even using VESPAS to do the rounds that they normally would have done in their large car..... LPG fitters are booked 3 - 4 months in advance and even LPG is approaching ridiculous prices in many fringe suburban areas. Are we fast approaching the point where running a car on a daily basis is becoming the bastion and privilege of the wealthy whilst the rest of us penny pinch to cope.........???? I've definitely noticed an obvious decline in the number of cars on the road in both peak and off peak hours..........I wonder what all those extra people are doing to get around now.......... |
Mate i tell ya right now, if they slap another 30cpl TAX on fuel that we the public already pay TAX on twice, I suspect all hell will brake loose.
Don't even get me started on the Carbon trading Bull, Just another way of making money. |
Hi ESP, you arent the only one feeling the pinch, the F6 isnt as economical as people make it out to be!
I think it will come to the point where future generations will consider whether they really need a car or not.. Its much like the housing crisis for first home buyers, I believe people will adapt and begin to live in apartments etc in Australia and even in Adelaide. Luckily I have just bought my house and on a nice healthy block size, but it doesnt leave me with much room for running my car and I really need to think about those long distance trips and cruises now. Not considering moving onto something more economical for now, but the right foot is beginning to show some economy control.. |
Agreed here, my TE gets drivin to work and back thats it. So going for a cruise on the w/e is out of the question most of the time. Which is sad becasue i dont get a chance to enjoy the car for what i bought it for, driving.
Its already costing me $65 for a full tank to fill up my Pulsar. I get around 580kms to a tank.
Its gonna be tough filling up for $90. Especially on my Apprentice Mechanic wage. |
Would it be out of line to say buy some economical used car to go to the shops and work and use the pride and joy for fun driving?? At least if the economobile gets scratched at the shops you wont care.
Probably ???????...................But its gonna happen...........a bi product of the KYOTO protocol. Either way............we're all gonna be paying HEAPS more than what we're paying now. I'm starting to struggle now so I can only imagine what it'll be like in 12 months time..................and especially for the poor underprivileged............the unemployed............the low paid...........students and others in the NON BILLIONAIRE club. I see car pooling and alternative transport ( bike riding to work etc )as the key for short term relief for those that can hack that sort of thing. LPG fitters are doing a roaring trade............ |
If we had a half decent public transport system we could have a viable alternative, but the joke our system is now, for for many people public transport simply is not an option. Houses are going up faster then infrastructures, which is going to be a big problem, the government is getting too greedy. |
Guys, sorry to say, but it's just something you are going to have to deal with.
Start with what you already have. You can increase your km per tank by changing your driving style to a more sedate one, removing all extra weight and kepping things like alingment and a slightly higher than factory specified tyre pressure in check. Got roof racks that get used once in a blue moon? remove them. Buy petrol Tue evening or Wed morning before the weekly price hike of 10c/L. This alone can get you an extra 15-20% distance for $ spent. Having a second economical car is not an option to be honest. Running costs are far more than just petrol in the tank. A cheap scooter will still end up costing you around $50 a week, so a cheapish yet reliable second hand car would be around $100-120 a week at least. So unless you do 1000km a week it's not worth getting a second car. Public transport is shite house, but for me it's actually cheaper to drive the car to work than catch the train. Driving also saves around 40 minutes a day travel time. Our decision makers should see how some other countries implement and use mass rapid transport... what we have on offer is shameful to say the least. Just take the extra money needed from somewhere else? 2 less drinks at the pub a week, 1 less night out on the town a month, 1 extra family meal cooked at home every week? If selling your big 6 is on the cards, do it now, not when prices are $2 a litre and every man and his dog are trying to offload their large cars. |
I also live out of town, so not choice to use public transport or other method of getting to work or town. |
We'll live. Stop buying so much and you'll be right. At least we still have cars and live in a decent country.
Saudi Arabia increases production by 200,000 barrels a day, Nigeria decrease production by 300,000. And your telling me its not about the coin.
There is a simple saying. What goes up must come down. Maybe not this year or the year after, but a credit crunch is coming bigtime. Economies are going to go bust and we will all be left to sit and wonder how the f***n hell it happened. |
The only crisis I can see is when we actually run out of oil and they can't produce any more petrol to put in my ute.
Until that time I'l keep on enjoying the noise of the BOSS every time I drive it;. |
How would you like the Tax to be implemented?
Would you like the Carbon Tax on fuel say 30c or would you like a Tax implemented on your car renewal based on weight/ fuel consumption and CO2 emissions? I guess we're still lucky, only having fuel at $1.70. I remeber being in Holand 5yrs ago, they were paying $2.50 then. I'll probably get shot but ....... Whether this global warming crap is real, nobody knows, but at least we now have someone in power thats acually looking into the future more then just his time in parlament! |
I'm sure we won't be paying $2 a litre soon
Come ON!!! Do you worry wether this Global thing is real? Do you have Kids? Do you think how all this could affect them down the track? If this decision adds lots of coin to there warchest, so be it, they'll have to give it back in some way, ie/better public transport etc. Would you be happy if elma phud said they'd donate the Carbon tax to CSIRO for R&D into Organic production of fuel so we don't have reliance on the the new wave of Terror? Probably not, Your probably only looking 4yrs down the road............. |
Lucky my new job is as a gas fitter :)...
And I want to turbo my EF at these prices. |
This is fords new GP ( Grand Pushy ) in rapid, all you need do is slap a kenne bell on this puppy and your away.
https://www.fordforums.com.au/photos/data/500/BIKE1.jpg |
i think everyone agrees...
basically all my money i earn goes towards petrol because i still go to school if i want to go for a drive down to the shops or go for a cruise. I new someone would screw up the economy its effecting basically everything. |
does someone know the exact break up of the cost of fuel as we pump it from the servo., ie operator, tax, fuel companies???
to true doc, what she running down the qtr?
The big issue is not that it is costing me more to run my car, the big issue is the price of fuel puts the price of everything up, tractors & trucks run on fuel(the more expensive diesel variety), so the price of food will go up, the price of anything that needs to be transported will go up, all the while the fat cats in canberra wack 50c a litre tax on fuel. It's about time this country's leadership came up with a tax system that was fairer, the way it is now those who can least afford it get hit the most, fuel, food, rent... Anybody who thinks ol' mate Rudd is our saviour, just remember how much better things have gotten since he has been in power.
Additional Discussions at: -
Additional Discussions at: - The rising price (and associated costs) of Oil / Petrol Discussion Thread.
anyone who thinks the government of a tiny country like ours can affect oil prices - a price determined by the global market - has rocks in their head
I don't know but my main transport now is a bio fuelled turbo stinker I worked out with the amount of bio material the average family produces and some algi it would almost power the family car thus removing the govco's power and destabilising its daily theft and rape of the public.... chooks and a poo digester anyone ? |
its amazing how one thing can affect so much ! as i keep saying our wages has to go up ! or their will be more strikes more people will leave the work force bacause no one would be able to afford to go to work, why should we sell our cars that we enjoy to drive and why should we sell our houses to live closer to work with world it run by a whole heap of you know what ! while we are working out butts off to earn every cent we can and here are the big nobs doing nothing making our lives hell while they sit on their you know what and make all these crazy decisions ! and they earn you know what and yet we have to pay for them to live and while we are scraping to get by ! they dont care about the little guys they all care about the big guys ! we pay for them to survive we pay taxes to make them to decide to raise up the taxes would like them to see if they could survive on what us little guys are earning ! about time they get a life and stop making us suffer from what we enjoy the most which is family and cars
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