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Old 06-05-2010, 11:47 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by mik
as you mentioned the overtakeing thing, i would imagine if they let heaps go unconverted , then there was a huge head on because some one failed to see oncomeing traffic during overtakeing in a lhd car, it would hit the fan.
I see your point but there would presume there would be more dual carriageways in Wa than anywhere else in Australia.
Also I have a friend from the UK who has brought over his 69 Shelby GT350 LHD,Crayford convertible Cortina RHD,2 door Cortina RHD and a Supercharged Cortina wagon RHD (all three Cortinas were not available in Australia)
He was telling me that in the UK they have both LHD and RHD over there so I still can not get behind the reasoning of us being forced to convert our cars to LHD except that it is just another money making scheme for the government and is keeping these cars beyond the reach of most Australians
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