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Old 16-10-2014, 03:10 PM   #42
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Advice on buying BF Typhoon

Originally Posted by HULK_I6T View Post
standard is a heaps better option. The car was engineered with strategies to protect from abuse.

But modded brings the car outside its engineering intent. So flogging a modded car would do far more damage and wear than flogging a standard car.

Also those that flog a car are unlikley to be happy with a standard car which will lead to mods. So for the standard car its also less likley to be thrashed..

In summary a stock car will less likley be thrashed and if thrashed can handle the punishment far better than a modded car.

Also people sell modded cars and take half the bits off to get a better price. So the tune will likley be out of whack as well..

The only benefit to buying modded is a more exciting car to begin with and for cheaper price but its laced with huge risk.
I'd assume most people would flash it back to stock if they were to sell the car to you, especially if they are going to all that effort to remove said mods.

Also I'd still rather my modded xr6 than my girlfriends bog stock proton. I bought my N/A unmodded, well it had an exhaust and that was it, few months of owning diff needs replacing, oils probably hadn't been changed in 20k + brake discs needed machining...And this car was stock!

But now my car is modded and probably runs just as well as my girlfriends proton you know why i'd take mine? Well one she has a proton but two I look after my car, being the typical girl her car is a to b thats it, if I asked here today when her next service is she wouldn't have a clue.

So while I understand what you say Hulk its not just clear cut as modded is thrashed and stock is well looked after, I mod all my cars and look after them far better than most people I know, especially the girls.

Actually makes me laugh when I see a car for sale saying "female owner", I just wonder...
2007 Ripcurl BF Xr6 Ute

Mods to Date
Ceramic Coated Pacemaker 4495s
2.5" Dual Venom exhaust,
Bluepower CAI
Eaton True Trac with 3.9s
20% Underdrive
EcoLpi Motor

RWKW: 200.0
Nm: 394

Mods to Follow
T56 Conversion TR6060
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