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Old 16-10-2014, 06:57 PM   #47
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Default Re: Advice on buying BF Typhoon

Originally Posted by HULK_I6T View Post
Sure the modded parts are likley to hold together but its the pressure they put on other standard parts. For instance leaving a 4 inch dump pipe on and returning tune to stock will hurt the car or if tune is left there but injectors returned to stock.. Even intake swap can upset the tune..

My experience is that modders try and pull the saleable parts off when its time to sell to maximise sales price. But some parts are not economic to remove, so they leave half the mods and not the other supporting mods, leaves the whole car out of whack especially tune.. Buying a modded car can be buying a higgeldy piggeldy, dogs breakfast riff raff of a car (with half supporting mods removed and half still on). Some people smile on day 1 when they buy modded but by day 2 its all sorrow and expense when the skeletons come out of the closet..

Buy stock, pay a bit more, rely on the factory tune strategy to protect the car if abused..
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