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Old 20-12-2024, 05:53 PM   #3409
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Default Re: Car Detailing - What products are your go to?

And while on the Detailing Shed topic, I squeezed in a final order before they close up for a few weeks.

I said I wouldn't be ordering GSF again due to the cost here, but here we are.

The Wide Open was ordered out of curiosity.

You know it's serious when I order a gallon of something! After first trying Amplify, I knew within seconds that this stuff was a winner. That first bottle went pretty quickly, which was replaced by another two 473ml bottles. While I could have jumped to the gallon size, I've been bitten in the past ordering a gallon of something without enough miles behind it, then being lumped with a product that didn't live up to the first impressions.

My recommendation here is to always, where possible, buy the small bottle of a product first. Actually, I broke that rule myself recently, now I have a gallon of a VERY expensive product that appears to be simply unsuited to the Australia climate.

Amplify has now proven to be my go-to drying aid of late. No doubt, something will come along in the future that will better it, but it will need to be a VERY stellar product to better Amplify.
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