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View Poll Results: do you have insurance
NO I cant afford it 82 7.63%
NO insurance wont touch me the driver 22 2.05%
NO insurance dont like my car too many mods etc 35 3.26%
NO i'd rather spend that money at the pub i'm too tight 37 3.44%
YES Id' never drive without some form of insurance 899 83.63%
Voters: 1075. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 26-03-2005, 05:42 PM   #61
doof doof doof doof
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Dear God

Would you please ensure that the seven people in the poll who do not have insurance please stack into each other and then watch them as they all honestly say "Yes, I will pay for the damage to your vehicle".

The cheque is in the mail right?
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Old 26-03-2005, 05:51 PM   #62
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One thing I cant work out. Why are Fords so expensive to insure? My AU ute is $1,200; my Merc A160 is $800, my wife's Merc A190 is $900 and my Formula Ford is only $800.
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Old 26-03-2005, 06:00 PM   #63
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One thing about 'at fault' accidents is that sometimes techincally they're the other person's fault.

My old man was spun into a wall on the F5 (before it was the M5) near the Campbelltown exit while he was being overtaken. Car misjudged the distance between him and the front of my old mans car and spun his brand new XF Ghia into the wall when he merged into his front right.

Old man was hospitalised, fined for the offence and his insurance company claimed against. He was the innocent party, doing the speed limit and had no time to react to someone quickly merging into the front of him.

My understanding is also if you're in a rear ender with multiple cars, the poor schlub at the back picks up most of the tab. Would have to be that schlub with no insurance in a parade of expensive cars.

Getting into a car without at least third party is madness, IMO.
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Old 26-03-2005, 06:06 PM   #64
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Guys and Gals.

I work in insurance as most of you know.

First thing to address is by not having insurance and you have an accident that is your fault. Lets say your the last one in a five car pile up.
Guess what, your at fault for all 4 cars in front of you. what happens next?
You either pay for it for the rest of your life or in the other example given by a member here with the obvious rich guy, he pays it. (who knows could even send him bankrupt!!) Which incendtly by going Bankrupt you would be one that complained about paying for insurance in the first place because it was too expensive. Well Go bankrupt leave the insurance company pay the bill, you just CAUSED premiums for EVERYONE to go up!!!

Second thing to address.
The amount of people out there that assume CTP paid with rego covers property is astounding. It covers for personal injury ONLY.
There are HEAPS of people unisured due to plain ignorance.
Be Careful on the roads!

Third thing to address is "at Fault"
"at Fault" simply put means any claim you can't indentify the third party that is to blame. EG Kangaroo's, dogs, thieves Hail, Those that run from and accident.

Last edited by Yaw; 26-03-2005 at 06:10 PM.
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Old 26-03-2005, 06:32 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Sox
He has 3 motorbikes, and 2 cars (one being a euro sports), he doesn't have house insurance, medical insurance, or any other insurance.
I suspect he has saved a lot of money.
just because someone doesn't pay all these insurances, that doesn't automatically mean that he saves an equal amount...who's to say he doesn't blow it all.

as for his shares, they can plummet as quickly as they can climb...

all the stuff about P plater high premiums etc....i agree on both sides....XRQTOR, its quite fair that you be "stung" that amount, considering your age, your car and the statistics showing us male p platers as accident prone....that being said, im not saying you're a bad driver or an irresponsible idiot....its a case of the few ruining it for the many....

I also agree with your point that just because someone has been driving longer, it does not make them a better driver....the amount of older people i have seen that can't drive is laughable....

now as for the some cases they are fair and justified (XRQTOR, 20 year old male, BA XR8, for example). but then take my **** weak non turbo 4 cylinder tx5....$2500 full comp? i dont think they charge a massive premium for young drivers in performance cars, fair enough, but do they offer me a lower premium for driving a non turbo, completely stock 4cyl? nope.

i pay about $400ish third party fire and theft. i would never go without insurance, and even if i thought about it, my parents would probably kick my *** for having such a stupid thought!

I'll have to change my insurance from AAMI to just cars, so i'll be doing that shortly. thats another thing.....when pricing online quotes (prior to buying my car) when gradually ticking option boxes, stuff like tinted windows was enough for aami to not insure thats a joke.

no matter how much money your mate saved sox, if he is unlucky enough to write off a ferrari, he'll be selling that house that he worked so hard to pay for, because chances are the car he just hit is worth more than his house ;)
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Old 26-03-2005, 06:47 PM   #66
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I would say both Sox and XA have missed the point on the previous post, many businesses do not insure vehicle in the traditional manner as cost can be exhorbitent, however when making such a decision a prudent well managed business will self insure, ie: they will maintain adaquate funds to cover any damage cost over that financial year. And to cover cost that could very quickly rise to millions it has to be a very cashed and established organisation.

A cashed up business self insuring their risks is a very different situation for any braindead muppet running the gauntlet without at least 3rd party property insurance.

Our state governments are always up there trying to impose new laws upon us, I've got one for them "Compulsary 3rd Party Property Insurance", and they can make the fines heavy as they like for anyone caugh without it, I'd suggest impounding the vehicle until up to date insurance is prove. The self insurers could follow guidline measures to to achieve certification. No exemptions, no loophole. And I'd suggest you could make a very quick haul if you went through all those grey market turbos and other ricer crap.

And for those of you that think you are so good a driver you wont ever have an at fault accident, you are kidding yourselves and your a menace on our roads. Everyone of us makes mistakes, everyday, that dont all result in accidents but one day your number can come up. And any one of the other menaces on the road out there can force you into an at fault situation. Think your incincible then your not as good a driver as you think, no race team ever wants invincibles, they dont exist, other than in comic strips.

The many of us that have had to chase and chase to get payment for repairs from an uninsured driver know will agree that anyone uninsured should not be on the road.
I dont if you want to take a risk with your clapped out mazda shitter or your shiny new XR8 uninsured. I do give a stuff about your ability to fund quick repairs for the damage you cause to my car, or anybody elses.

Last edited by RED_EL_XR8; 26-03-2005 at 07:36 PM.
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Old 26-03-2005, 07:27 PM   #67
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I have mention self insurance.. most people can't do that as an individual.
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Old 26-03-2005, 07:33 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by XA Coupe
I have mention self insurance.. most people can't do that as an individual.
Yep no arguements there! Anyone who cannot afford the premium sure cant afford to self insure!
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Old 26-03-2005, 07:35 PM   #69
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My aim is to be rich enough to be self insured but I am off to a poor start
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Old 26-03-2005, 07:40 PM   #70
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Only had third party property on the XD. As a $750 car when I bought it, it didnt much matter to me. I also have the added benefit of a fully licenced workshop, mechanic and panelbeater at my disposal - free of charge.
But obviously the XR6 is a different story entirely.
It sat at the bus depot for 3 weeks until I had the rego changed over and the insurance paid.
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Old 26-03-2005, 07:54 PM   #71
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My old man owns his own transport company, runs interstate mostly. Has 9 local trucks on the road and 2 prime movers. Both the prime movers are new 3 months old, third was only 3 days old. Driver picked up a load of empty pallets (2o tonns worth) from a customer and headed out to deliver them. The ******** tipped the brand new truck over with someones eles trailer (Curtain sided container) in tow, $128,ooo worth. Layed it driver side down on the wrong side of the road and laned on the armco. He was told to strap the load but didn't, aslo had no gates in. Result is $8o,ooo damage to the new truck and wrote the skel off ($25,ooo) and looks like another $20-30,ooo damage to the container. He's been booked with neg driving and an insurcure load. Trailer isn't insured at all and looks like their going to wipe the truck because of the driving charges. Been paying stupid insurance rates for the past 12 years and never made a claim all because the driver was to lazy to strap it down.
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Old 26-03-2005, 07:59 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by Dez
just because someone doesn't pay all these insurances, that doesn't automatically mean that he saves an equal amount...who's to say he doesn't blow it all.

as for his shares, they can plummet as quickly as they can climb...

all the stuff about P plater high premiums etc....i agree on both sides....XRQTOR, its quite fair that you be "stung" that amount, considering your age, your car and the statistics showing us male p platers as accident prone....that being said, im not saying you're a bad driver or an irresponsible idiot....its a case of the few ruining it for the many....

I also agree with your point that just because someone has been driving longer, it does not make them a better driver....the amount of older people i have seen that can't drive is laughable....

now as for the some cases they are fair and justified (XRQTOR, 20 year old male, BA XR8, for example). but then take my **** weak non turbo 4 cylinder tx5....$2500 full comp? i dont think they charge a massive premium for young drivers in performance cars, fair enough, but do they offer me a lower premium for driving a non turbo, completely stock 4cyl? nope.

i pay about $400ish third party fire and theft. i would never go without insurance, and even if i thought about it, my parents would probably kick my *** for having such a stupid thought!

I'll have to change my insurance from AAMI to just cars, so i'll be doing that shortly. thats another thing.....when pricing online quotes (prior to buying my car) when gradually ticking option boxes, stuff like tinted windows was enough for aami to not insure thats a joke.

no matter how much money your mate saved sox, if he is unlucky enough to write off a ferrari, he'll be selling that house that he worked so hard to pay for, because chances are the car he just hit is worth more than his house ;)
It's not what you drive they determines the premium it's your age.
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Old 26-03-2005, 08:06 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by XA Coupe
My aim is to be rich enough to be self insured but I am off to a poor start
ha ha... arn't we all!!

nice ldea though!
I don't give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way.
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Old 26-03-2005, 08:08 PM   #74
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Cars also have risk assesments.

OIt was cheaper for me to insure my modified EF than it was my stock EB as the EB apparently had a higher risk level of being pranged... or sometin like that.
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Old 26-03-2005, 08:15 PM   #75
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i think cars that are more likely to be stolen (ie older cars, or more popular models) attract a higher premium...

Originally Posted by XRQTOR
It's not what you drive they determines the premium it's your age.
im pretty sure the car you drive has something to do with it ;)

my car, because its called a TX5, attracts a higher premium than just a normal telstar
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Old 26-03-2005, 08:22 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by Rodp
One thing about 'at fault' accidents is that sometimes techincally they're the other person's fault.

My old man was spun into a wall on the F5 (before it was the M5) near the Campbelltown exit while he was being overtaken. Car misjudged the distance between him and the front of my old mans car and spun his brand new XF Ghia into the wall when he merged into his front right.

Old man was hospitalised, fined for the offence and his insurance company claimed against. He was the innocent party, doing the speed limit and had no time to react to someone quickly merging into the front of him.

My understanding is also if you're in a rear ender with multiple cars, the poor schlub at the back picks up most of the tab. Would have to be that schlub with no insurance in a parade of expensive cars.

Getting into a car without at least third party is madness, IMO.
thats what happened to me... technically i was at fault, but damn it was a raw deal in that the other person ran a red light, i had witnesses to say he ran the red, but because the street i had came out of had a giveway sign, i copped the fault.....
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Old 26-03-2005, 08:50 PM   #77
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I'll be self insuring myself in the future....getting 3rd party, fire and theft and keeping the change from full comp

Originally Posted by Rodp
One thing about 'at fault' accidents is that sometimes techincally they're the other person's fault.
Yep, got one on my file because the other party buggered off.
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Old 26-03-2005, 09:03 PM   #78
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Hubby lent his work van (mazda e2000) to daughters boyfriend,who is on "p" plates jokingly says "dont smash it" phone call 90min later from daughter "dad please dont be mad, we've had an accident" luckily both ok. Turns out other drivers lane was not moving along enough for her liking and changes lanes no indicator or check of the mirror, pushed in side of van from front door right to the rear bumper. One of the first things she said was "i'm sorry but i've got no insurance and no money" and driving an 80's mitsubishi colt that should never have been on the road!
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Old 26-03-2005, 10:37 PM   #79
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Ive had it for years, but every time ive crashed i havnt been able to claim.
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Old 26-03-2005, 10:50 PM   #80
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LOL kerry.....
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Old 26-03-2005, 10:50 PM   #81
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I have full comp on both cars. The XRs about $750 per year, which is $2 per day (roughly) - cheaper than parking. The wagon is around $380 per year, or roughly $1 per day. Costs me more to drive to the shop for milk.

Most insurance companies these days have a number of options to pay - monthly, 3 monthly, 6 monthly etc. So really, there's not much excuse for not having it, even at your $2000 a year premiums (that's only $6 per day - how much would you spend on fuel per day?). It's great to have a nice car, but then to not insure it, and then have an accident that requires you to pay for the damage you have caused, could mean that you don't have a nice car for the next 20 years. Not worth the risk IMO.
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Old 26-03-2005, 10:55 PM   #82
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Thats pretty cheap JC.
I pay $550 a year for mine including all the mods and thats with agreed value.
Being over 30 helps to.
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Old 26-03-2005, 11:04 PM   #83
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Yes, should have mentioned that I am over 30 too - half way over 30, actually. On the donwhill run to 40 now! (Does insurance get cheaper then, too?). And mine is also agreed value and obvious mods listed (wheels, extractors, kit).
The Hammer: FG GTE | 376rwkw | 1/4 mile 11.793 @ 119.75mph 1.733 60' (4408lb)
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Old 26-03-2005, 11:11 PM   #84
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To those 7 who can't afford it and the 3 who would rather **** their money down the drain.
If a uninsured person hit me and was in the wrong I would not even wast my time asking for quotes. Instead ring my insurance with thier details and let the insurance company deal with getting the money out of them for fixing my car and suppling a hire car until the car is repaired. Not having any insurance at all is maddness.
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Old 26-03-2005, 11:13 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by JCXR8
I have full comp on both cars. The XRs about $750 per year, which is $2 per day (roughly) - cheaper than parking. The wagon is around $380 per year, or roughly $1 per day. Costs me more to drive to the shop for milk.

Most insurance companies these days have a number of options to pay - monthly, 3 monthly, 6 monthly etc. So really, there's not much excuse for not having it, even at your $2000 a year premiums (that's only $6 per day - how much would you spend on fuel per day?). It's great to have a nice car, but then to not insure it, and then have an accident that requires you to pay for the damage you have caused, could mean that you don't have a nice car for the next 20 years. Not worth the risk IMO.

i dont know if AAMI offers monthly payments, but the point is, $2500 a year on a car that i could sell for what? $6k? its not worth it in a way....i will have third part fire and theft at the very least though....

im smart enough to do what most people have said. Not that long ago, I was almost in a EF XR6, and could have managed the loan payments on the car, even on my terrible pay at the time, but then the added $3k + insurance, up front, killed off that dream for the time being...
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Old 26-03-2005, 11:22 PM   #86
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3rd party as a minimum is the smart way to go. For between $150 and $400 a year, it could save you (literally) thousands.
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Old 26-03-2005, 11:41 PM   #87
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I just hope I'm not hit by any of these uninsured juggernauts!!

Every car I've owned has had insurance. Nice cars have always had full comprehensive and the shitters have always had at least third party property damage, fire and theft.

My claims history is:
1981. Damage to my own car after hitting a tree stump (Driving like a ******** in my Toyota)
1985. Payout from vehicle theft, car never recovered (XA GT. Hope the crooks all died of **** cancer)
1993. Damage to my car caused by thieves, car stolen and recovered (TX3 Laser. Probably some worthless junkie)
1997. Total loss write-off, no fault (XC GXL cleaned up by ******** in a Hiace van, coppers charged him).

In all that's plenty of money that would have been down the gurgler if I hadn't had insurance. At any time there was no way I could have found the money myself to have self-insured at any of these occurrences.

I've paid out plenty in insurance premiums over 25 years of driving and it could be argued by some that had I just saved that money and wore my damage claims I'd be a mile in front and could have self-insured. Who has the discipline to put aside $X amount per pay and never touch it until something comes up?? I know I haven't, I can barely keep to a budget!!!!

Imagine if you were uninsured and you manage to wipe out a Ferrari?? You'd be instantly bankrupt unless your name was Kerry Packer or just insanely rich.

Anyone who drives around uninsured is crazy!! If you can't afford it then you can't afford to run a car. Get a car you can afford to run or get off the road.

Both my BA XR6 and XC Coupe are fully insured.
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Old 27-03-2005, 12:57 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by XA Coupe
That is assuming he can actually pay for it. Unless he is rich enough to be self insured then he is gambling with other people's property and money
What is he gambling though?
If he hits you and your vehicle is a total loss, your insurance company pays you out and goes after him, what's the problem for you?
The insurance company will extract whatever the courts deem is adequate out of him, which in his case wouldn't just be $20 a week (not that it would be of any consequence to you anyway).

I don't quite see why this is such a great problem for you, I mean you, and most others clearly stated you won't drive without insurance, so what have you to worry about?

Just as an example to the above, my wife was involved in a head on a few years ago, she wasn't at fault, the other driver was drunk.
The other drivers insurance was wiped because of this, however it didn't effect us in any way whatsoever, we were paid out by our insurer, and they of course went after the drunk driver.

Now if the above driver had of been uninsured, the outcome for us would have been the same.

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Old 27-03-2005, 01:00 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by ianmcginley
But hang on, under 21 you have to expect high insurance, particularly if you have a BA XR8, aftermarket wheels (2" bigger), and modified. Sorry but as a RRP that car would be over $50,000; and as a under 21 (hell under 25) you are a great 'at risk' customer. If you own such a car, at such a young age, you have to expect high insurance prices. And if you cannot afford the insurance on such a car, don't bitch about it. If you had a $30,000 focus or $20,000 Fiesta and were paying $5k for insurance, then that would be something to complain about (depending on your car history of course).

I figure that if you are able to own such a car, and such an early age, then you can afford the insurance as well.

Also the insurance on the bike, that isn't for covering you so much as covering the damage that would get done to other vehicles in the inevitable accident. Basically if you have to brake hard the possibility of ditching your bike is great. Once that happens the bike is like dry ice on water, it will just skate along the surface until it hits something and stops. This means the bike is a write off, and probably $5000 damage to whatever it hits.
Mate, I dont like your tone or attitude towards what I wrote and make note I take offence to it. I didnt bitch as you say about the XR8 insurance and yeah, I dont mind paying the money to insure my XR. Was using it to put insurance into perspective, $3000 for a car insured for $70G's and a bike cost $6000 to insure for a bike worth $19000.

Also with the bike, you think if I hit the brakes hard the thing would just flip or ditch the bike?! You havent a clue in the world about motorbikes, so I suggest you SHUT UP (read it clear) and talk about something you know about!!

And the "inevitable accident", do you mean in an accident that isnt aviodable or that I'm supposed to get into an accident cause I ride a bike?

And my rims are 3 inch bigger. Get it right the first time.
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Last edited by kypez; 27-03-2005 at 01:22 AM.
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Old 27-03-2005, 01:30 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by JCXR8
3rd party as a minimum is the smart way to go. For between $150 and $400 a year, it could save you (literally) thousands.
it'll be higher once i go with just cars....ill pay more on third party fire and theft than a lot of you guys pay on full comp....lets just hope they'll do some kind of agreed value so im not getting completely shafted like i am atm....
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